Easy - 3 km one way - 45 minutes - Paved Trail
If you walk east out of City Park, you will get to the newly paved WaterFront Trail. From the Selkirk parking lot follow the TCT signs along the lane, crossing over 3rd Street and turning south along 2nd Street. You will cross over the Kettle River and from the bridge you can see the fork of the Kettle and Granby Rivers. Continue along 2nd to 68th until you reach the new parking lot and trailhead built by Rockwool. This trail was paved in 2013 by the City and the Province and is the first phase of the envisioned paving project from Grand Forks to Christina Lake, known as the Kettle River Heritage Trail. The paved trail takes you along the waters edge and is a great opportunity for birders. It also takes you right behind the Rockwool plant which manufactures rock wool insulation and is a good supporter of our trails. The Nursery Trestle or the Munro Trestle was re-decked in 2014 by the province and the regional district. It was first decked in 2003 and renamed by the Canadian Military Engineers to honour a local soldier. There are great beaches on either side of the trestle and a home-made jumping platform off the trestle for those really adventurous types. This is a great spot to start or end your tubing adventures too. There is good road support and parking on both sides of the trestle.